Archive for the Presidential News Category

Bush to pen book. Hold your giggles.

Posted in Presidential News with tags on March 19, 2009 by soicalcritic

laugh it up, you only have secret service for 10 yearsFirst up, Google is a mean search engine. The are every few pictures of Bush not looking like a tard. But back to the topic at hand, Bush has set his mind to writing ‘ The Decider’. In this non-memoir memoir (not my wording), Bush will dedicate each chapter to a major decision that he has made. Those chapters are going to range from his decision to stop drinking to picking Cheney. I really doubt that this will a New York best seller while Obama is still reigning, but I’m almost positive President Obama will have Michelle pick him up a copy to carry around just in case he gets asked about it. Good luck Bush because South Park, SNL and your fellow Americans are going to talk shit about you until you die. And then some.


Dying Hearts

Posted in Funny, Presidential News on March 6, 2009 by soicalcritic

possible Heart Attack or Stroke???Former First Lady Barbara Bush and forever the funny, Robin Williams are old. Barbara Bush went under the knife a few days ago for heart surgery and Robin’s date is unknown by me. But the whole reason for this post, is so I can post this video:


Thinking of all those old ass vagina’s got me ill. Sourpuss.


Michelle’s offical portrait

Posted in Presidential News on March 2, 2009 by soicalcritic

michelle obama

I don’t see anything wrong with this picture because she is divine!


The First Dance

Posted in Presidential News, Video with tags , , on January 21, 2009 by soicalcritic



As much I despise Beyonce’ Carter, my friend equally and openly stans for her. But even though I dislike her, she sang “At Last” wonderfully. The scene was idyllic in every sense: Michelle looked gorgeous in a dress by Jason Wu, them giggling and whispering was the best example of “even after all these years”, the stage was surrounded by supporters. But don’t take The Critic’s words (even though their worth more than gold) but watch the video yourself.

It’s a new day!

Posted in CNN Report, Presidential News, Video with tags , , on January 21, 2009 by soicalcritic



This is President Obama (doesn’t it  feel good to simply read that but so much to know that it’s no longer a dream but a reality?) first full day as The Commander-in-Chief. Even though him and The First Lady danced at 50 million different balls last night, he’s hitting the ground running. Unlike most of us just waking up from our post-inauguration drunkenness, President Obama was up bright and early this morning. Click here to get CNN’s full report and click thisto view’s “New Day”.